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Startseite Conditioning Roller Crusher


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Walzenbrecher & Brecher


Haendle Roller Crusher WMZ 30 a

Roller Bore: 300 mm
Roller Width: 1200 mm
with wedge plate

with input coiler
technical revised, cleaned and painted
wear parts newly steel-plated


Berger Roller Crusher

Roller Bore: 400 mm
Roller Width: 1200 mm
with wedge plate

technical revised, cleaned and painted
wear parts newly steel-plated


Boehringer Jaw Crusher

Base Width: 600 x 400 mm
roller bearing
heavy steel casting construction
with wedge plate


Allis Chalmers Gyratory Crusher 3-22

for basalt crushing
roller bearing
with heavy cone crusher
drive with bevel gear
with wedge plate