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Startseite Conditioning Pan-Mills


Box Feeder Circular Feeder Roller Mills Kneader Mixer Roller Crusher Mills Pan-Mills

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Haendle Pan Mill HO

Rotor Bore: 1700 mm
Rotor Width: 450 mm
heavy steel casting construction

machine base, 2 side-heads and upper traverse
with inner and outer grind path
with closed gear, running in oil-bath

drive with wedge plate


Haendle Pan Mill HK

Roller Bore: 1800 mm
Roller Width: 500 mm
heavy steel casting construction

machine base, 2 side-heads and upper traverse
with inner and outer grind path
with closed gear, running in oil-bath

drive with wedge plate


Haendle Pan Mill HS

Roller Bore: 1800 mm
Roller Width: 600 mm
heavy steel casting construction

machine base, 2 side-heads and upper traverse
with inner and outer grind path
with closed gear, running in oil-bath

drive with wedge plate


Haendle Pan Mill HSS

Roller Bore: 2000 mm
Roller Width: 600 mm
heavy steel casting construction

machine base, 2 side-heads and upper traverse
with inner and outer grind path
with closed gear, running in oil-bath

drive with wedge plate


Haendle hydraulic Pan Mill